DTConnect™ is a unit of Data Technophile Pvt. Ltd. which deals with actionable operational intelligence with our IoT products, augmented by cutting-edge sensor fusion and cloud analytic
DTConnect™ is a unit of Data Technophile Pvt. Ltd. which deals with actionable operational intelligence with our IoT products, augmented by cutting-edge sensor fusion and cloud analytic
DTConnect™ is an innovative Product Development company that possesses rich expertise in crafting and delivering software solutions using digital technologies. The Pratiti team helps their customers realize value, while working with integrity, certainty and insight; thus becoming the trusted technology partner in the customers digital transformation journey.
Firm Compute is one of the products of DTConnect™ which deals with IoT products include Connected Operations Platform, Cold Chain Telematics, Asset Tracking and
Site Monitoring being one of the many products we built
Cold Chain Telemetics | Assets Tracking | Site Monitoring
Hyderabad, India
Across multiple industries
18+ Years of electronic product engineering
Received investment from Bravia Capital, NY
Products delivered every year
Products delivered till date
Firmcompute is a sensor driven Operational Intelligence platform.
We gather intelligence from routine operations using our sensor feeds and provide decision support based
on sensor fusion & analytics.
5 Million tons of milk wasted due to unreliable electricity, breaking the cold-chain
85% of food spoilage in Restaurants is due to improper
Temperature & Humidity storage
20% damaged due to Temperature related failures
7.67% of nosocomial infections are due to environmental factors (including Temperature & Humidity)
1°C temperature difference can impact energy consumption by 2 to 5%
1°C raise in Temperature lowers milk yield of cattle by 5% to 10%
3.89 to 7.51% are post harvest losses
4.87 to 15.05% are post harvest losses
A single temperature sensor for the cold room with manual recording in a log-book
Need 9 sensors in 20m3 area with continuous monitoring
Actual occurrence at a facility monitored by firmcompute:
Temperature Tracking using firmcold Android App or firmcompute Gateways. +5°C to +65°C. Accuracy: +/-1.5°C
Full Year Temperature (& Humidity) tracking . Use firmcold Android App or firmcompute Gateways. -35°C to +75°C. Accuracy: +/- 0.4 °C Probe option available
One-time & Re-usable variants
Temperature (& Humidity) tracking + logging. Use firmcold Android App with Type-C USB or firmcompute Gateways. -35°C to +75°C. Accuracy: +/-0.5°C
Firmcompute devices use NIST traceable and calibrated digital sensors, these sensors are calibrated at factory by the manufacturer.
● Identify problems with temperature and humidity looking at the sensor data from dashboard
● Live sensor data can be monitored using firmcold Android App. Using a firmcompute Gateway multiple sensors can be continuously monitored
● firmcold provides the following for all its sensors:
1. Daily logs, reports and reading charts
2. Data storage on Cloud
3. WhatsApp and E-mail Alerts to designated contacts when set limits are breached
● Anywhere dashboard access to management from browse
A cloud platform to ingest, analyze, alert and recommend operational optimizations from our connected sensors
Capture temperature, humidity variations that impact product life. Track energy consumption, refrigerator door open-close to optimize energy efficiency
Locate assets across the world with GPS, track them indoor using our unique radio positioning technology. Monitor pallet usage and health to avoid damage to goods.
Track forklifts and heavy movers around the warehouse using our indoor positioning sensors, correlate with video feed from our smart cams. Monitor worker safety using smart wearable sensors.